Rayed Arabic Delphi Components

These components were built on 1997, since that date Delphi improved alot and those componenet aren't neede anymore, and they worked only with Arabic version of Windows

If you are looking for Delphi components to develope Arabic windows application, here it is a complete set of components that will make developing Arabic application as easy as possible.

With complete source code, you can install these components in any version of Delphi. There is no documentation for these components in present but if any one intersted to see one, please let me know.

I will try to port the components to C++ Builder as soon as possible, the problem that I have no idea about programing in C++ Builder, if you have any experince on programming C++ Builder and you want to port it, please contact me.

These components have a new property called ARABIC, that will make the component ARABIC or ENGLISH. It is that easy. - This my documentation at the moment -.

Arabic Components

Download NOW, they are free.
(arabic.zip 4K )